Question: I’m hoping you can advise me please on the process when an employee passes away. In Australia nothing is paid out until we get advise from the
Year: 2010
Relocation allowance taxable or non taxable?
Question: Would you please confirm for me if a relocation allowance paid to an employee is a taxable or non taxable allowance Answer: Here is the general
Question: I’m wanting some advice please. Do you know what the ‘rulings’ are when an employment relationship ends (by reason of resignation, end of fixed term, redundancy etc). Ie: Is
Definition of “Regular” Bonus for Inclusion in Leave Legislation Average Hourly Rate
Question: I was wondering whether you could clarify for me whether certain bonus’s should be included in the annual average hourly rate for leave payments or not. We pay
Question: One of my clients has asked for some information regarding the compulsory Superannuation coming in next year for New Zealand employees. I can’t seem to find any
Question: I was wondering if you could help me with a query from one of our NZ clients. They are asking if an employee can make extra student
Question: I have a client who is making a few employees redundant. They are wanting to pay 1 mths salary under the hurt & humiliation banner. My question is: a)
Question: We have two employees in New Zealand. For one employee transferred from Australia to New Zealand full time The company pays 2% kiwi Saver for this employee The company
Speakers at the NZPPA 3rd Annual Conference 23-24 Nov 2010
As with our previous conferences we have been able to get a range of excellent speakers for the 3rd annual conference. We will Karen Hayward C.P.S Karen is an accountant
NZPPA Annual Conference 2010 and Payroll Expo – Vendor and Sponsor List
Platinum Sponsor PayGlobal Ltd PayGlobal is NZ’s leading payroll and HR software provider. PayGlobal has an easy-to-use and integrated suite of modules: Payroll (fully compliant), T&A, Rostering, HR
Vendors that will be at the EXPO
Please find following a range of vendors that will be available at this years Payroll Expo. Click on the vendors logo to go to their website NorthgateArinso NorthgateArinso is a
NZPPA 2010 Conference Vendor – Time Target NZ Ltd
EFFICIENT STAFF ROSTERING The RIGHT staffing levels at the RIGHT staff costs! Easy to use rosters: Managers can create their own rosters with 1 hour of training! ACCURATE STAFF
In this section we will be including all the latest information on the potential changes to the Holidays Act as soon as it is known or comes available. What’s happened
Many not-for-profit organisations do not have the resources to develop their key staff which causes problems for them, specifically in the delivery of services to the community and in the
Annual Leave 8% Payout Query
Question: We have a query on the 8% payout of gross earnings for annual leave for the period since an employee’s anniversary date. How are the earnings determined
Have a break, have a kitkat (instead?)
Muffin Break must be laughing all the way to the bank with the free publicity it is getting, thanks to Labour MP the Honourable Darren Hughes and his comments that
Unpaid leave and the impact on the average weekly earning calculation for annual leave
Question: I have a question regarding the 52 week calculation…if an associate takes a week of unpaid leave, is this amount (ie zero), included in a future 52 week calculation.
Is Car Allowance part of Gross earnings on termination?
Question: At the moment AL Annual leave has been processed at the current rate and car allowance is paid as a flat Annual rate, evened out each month and
What rate is discretionary leave pay at?
Question: The query is in regards to discretionary leave and the rate of pay. Should it be paid at the RDP rate. I have searched the website of New
Question: We have just started setting payroll for NZ and I am confuse about the payment of annual leave. Here in Australia, you get 4 weeks AL per year and