Question: I have a question on the calculation of parental leave. I have come across a payroll provider that had advice from an employment lawyer about how the 12 month
Category: PayVoice
KiwiSaver Employer Contributions on ACC
Question: I have a question on KiwiSaver that I am finding it difficult to answer When an employee is off work receiving ACC earnings compensation does a employer
Working Week
KiwiSaver on termination
Tax free payment for redundancy?
Question: I wonder if you can offer any advice regarding the emails below. Our client is suggesting that a 25k redundancy payment should be tax free. Whilst I’m aware
Taxing NZ Discretionary Bonus
Question: I have contacted IRD and Department of Labour, and was hoping to get some advice from a third party. I’m taxing pilot bonuses and am trying to
Tax Increase since April
Question: I was hoping you can assist me with a query regarding the tax rates for NZ. I have searched numerous sites and cannot find anything on any changes
Stat Day Discussion
Question: We are just debating this issue at work at the moment and I’d like to ask for your advice on some public holiday scenarios: Let’s say that
Query – ACC Employee Payments
Question: Please assist with a query regarding ACC payments. The employer obligation ceases after the first week for work related accidents, and ACC pays from the second week
Annual Leave enquiry – ACC
Question: I have a query which I was hoping you would be able to help us with. One of our clients who we do wages for, has queried
Question: I have a contract for 20 hours a week and have worked for 3 years. Each year on my anniversary I get an entitlement of 4 weeks at
Attachment Order Query
Annual leave before Parental leave commencement
ACC and Public Holidays
Question: Can you tell me if a person who is on non work related ACC (2nd week onwards) and is rostered to work on a public holiday, do they
Tax on Termination pays
Normal termination where an employee leaves for another job. Do you tax the leave and other payments based on what the employee grossed for that period or do you tax
Change of name (Marriage)
Question Is there a reference in an Act that requires the marriage certificate to be provided or can the staff member just advise Payroll? Would it be in the
Final Pay
Question: May I ask you a quick question about final pay? Under the Wages Protection Act that \”unless the agreement provides otherwise, wages are payable on termination\” and
Question: Do Public holidays get carried over in NZ for example ANZAC day falls on the Sunday, do employees get a day off on Monday like in Australia? Or it