Helpful NZ Websites

Name Description Website address:
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is the government’s lead business-facing agency.  Our purpose is to grow the New Zealand economy to provide a better standard of living for all New Zealanders.

We deliver policy, advice, regulation and services that have a real impact on New Zealand businesses and the environment they operate in.
Employment New Zealand The leading source of information on employment in New Zealand. Employment New Zealand is part of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
Inland Revenue Department (IRD) Inland Revenue has over 5,500 staff based in 17 cities and towns.

To find out about payroll-related requirements use the following link.
Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) ACC provides comprehensive, no-fault work and personal injury cover for all New Zealand residents.

To access business-related information from ACC, use the following link.
New Zealand Legislation This website provides Acts, Bills, Supplementary Order Papers, Statutory Regulations, and links to Deemed Regulations.
KiwiSaver This site has been designed to provide easy access to information and tools about KiwiSaver for employees.
Privacy Commissioner The Privacy Commissioner administers the Privacy Act 1993. The Privacy Act applies to almost every person, business or organisation in New Zealand.
Sorted: Your Interdependent Money Guide Sorted is brought to you by the Commission for Financial Literacy and Retirement Income (CFLRI) which was formerly known as the Retirement Commission.
Human Rights Commission This website is owned by the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. The aim of this website is to promote and educate the New Zealand public on human rights in an accessible and user-friendly format.
Statistics New Zealand Statistics New Zealand Tatauranga Aotearoa is a government department and New Zealand’s national statistical office. It’s New Zealand’s major source of official statistics and is the leader of the Official Statistics System.
Immigration Service (VisaView) VisaView allows New Zealand employers to check whether a person who is not a New Zealand citizen can work in New Zealand for that employer.

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