In this section we will be including all the latest information on the potential changes to the Holidays Act as soon as it is known or comes available.

What’s happened so far:

  • The government asked for a review of the holidays Act and an employer – employee panel was formed in August 2009. NZPPA presented a verbal submission to the panel.
  • In December the results of the Holiday Act Review were forwarded to the Minister of Labour for consideration.
  • On the 16 August 2010 the draft Bill was presented to parliament called the “Holidays Amendment Bill”.


Next steps:


  • The draft bill will have a first reading in parliament and if accepted will be forwarded to select member
  • The select committee will decide if public submission will be called
  • The bill will then be sent back to the house with potential changes and recommendations
  • A further 2nd and 3rd reading will be conducted
  • If the bill is passed after the 3rd reading it is given royal assent and a date of implementation is set (we expect 1 April 2011).
  • DOL will write a payroll specification document for payroll developers.

Relevant documents:

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