Initial certification is FREE for NZPPA members (up to first 4 applicants, additional applicants are charged $37.50 + GST). For non-members, the initial assessment fee is $287.50 + GST and the annual reassessment for non-members is $137.50 + GST
NZPPA Certification Process
NZPPA Certification is based on a process that is robust and links directly to the NZPPA Qualification framework. Certification results can be shown to reflect payroll industry needs and outcomes can be externally tested to show they are fair and free from bias.
Initial Certification Process
Please note: NZPPA members email [email protected] to get a login to the Certification environment where all forms and resources are located.
The NZPPA Certification process consists of the following 5 steps (3 completed by the applicant and 2 by NZPPA):
Step 1:
- email [email protected] to get a login for access to the certification area
- Download the Forms and complete
Step 2:
Submit your initial application that includes the following:
- Application form for the Certification Level you are applying for
- A verification form from your employer or other authorised person is required to confirm you are presently working in payroll and the position you currently hold.
- CV Template Form.
- Organisation Chart and Job Description.
Step 3:
- NZPPA will complete an initial assessment and advise if the applicant can proceed with the certification level sought based on the application provided (their skills and experience). If not suitable the applicant will be advised and told what areas need to be worked on and if another certification level is suitable at this time. If the applicant is successful at this point they will emailed password details to complete the online assessment.
Step 4:
- Undertake an Online assessment based on the certification level sought (provided through the NZPPA eLearning environment).
Step 5:
- NZPPA will provide certification results based on whether the applicant has been successful and will be awarded the certification level sought (see below what they will receive) or if not yet successful what areas they will need to work on.
- The applicant can retry the online assessment once after the initial assessment, and then one month from the date of their first assessment (3 attempts are allowed including the initial assessment). If still not successful after three attempts the applicant’s application will be closed and they can reapply after a stand down of 6 months.
Annual Recertification Process
To ensure NZPPA certification is always current and valid for the needs of the payroll industry annual recertification must be undertaken by all certified members to maintain their certification level in regard to any new legislative changes. The cost is $37.50 + GST per applicant renewal.
As the main changes to employment law and tax are updated on April 1st each year, annual certification happens in May each year. If it has been more than 12 months since initial certification and you want to be current, you can ask to be recertified earlier (after May of that year).
Recertification Process
NZPPA Annual Recertification Process
Step 1:
- Email to advise the certified member that they need to recertify to maintain their present NZPPA certification level.
- Advise they need to provide evidence of professional development. As it was stated 10 hours for the 2018-19 period will be honoured for this time but from 2020 15 hours will be required.
- Attach the evidence form and/or include a link to the form on the Certification page.
- Advise that they need to email [email protected] by [date] if they still want to maintain their certification along with their evidence.
Step 2:
- Once reviewed (follow-up questions may occur about the evidence provided).
- An overview of what will be provided in the reassessment will be available from the certification area.
- The link provided to the recertification online assessment.
Step 3:
- Results provided
- 3 attempts are allowed before stand-down; feedback will be provided from any attempts made.
Step 4:
- When evidence and online certification are complete emailed confirmation will be sent stating certification is successful.
Certification Complaint Process
In general, all NZPPA Certification Panel decisions are final but a complaint can be made directly to the NZPPA CEO and they will assess if the complaint is valid. The NZPPA CEO will ask the panel to provide evidence on why certification was not achieved and this will be reviewed and if needed the applicant contacted directly for additional information.
The NZPPA CEO can request that the applicant’s assessment be reviewed by the NZPPA Certification Panel for reassessment. The applicant will receive written confirmation of the results of this and that outcome will be final.