The first annual NZPPA conference was run on the 18-19 September 2008. By all accounts our first conference was a great success and will grow over time to become the premier payroll event for payroll professionals in New Zealand.
We would like to thank our sponsors , the range of high quality speakers that gave their time and support and of course the attendees to our first conference that really got involved and made it the success it was.
Attendee’s comments on the conference
Houlbrooke Group Ltd
Great job for a new conference. Look forward to more representatives from businesses. No small business representation here?
Solid Energy
David, you have done a great job of setting up NZPPA. Finally us as payroll people will be recognised for the important part we play in an organisation.
Kapiti Coast District Council
Congratulations for organising the event and all the work done in raising profile for payroll arena. Well done and great about the NZQA link to recognise skill and experience. Thank you for the opportunity- looking forward to next year.
Public Trust
Congratulations on a well run first NZPPA conference.
Invitrogen New Zealand Limited
I am right behind NZPPA. It is great to have qualifications for payroll Professionals. Congratulations on organising a great conference, well done.
Tairawhiti District Health
The conference was very informative and I got a lot out of it. Exhibitors were very helpful and answered all the questions that were asked. The round table discussion was also a good way to find out things that I wanted to know.
Contractor with OGG Consulting
I’ve really enjoyed the networking and catching up with old acquaintances.
AMP Financial Services
Excellent range of speakers on relevant topics. Good to have 2 MP’s along also, get informed viewpoints and debate. Lee Parore a highlight at the end of a very busy day.
Also found the range of displays informative and felt the “round table” approach a highlight.
West Fono Health Trust
I loved the conference. It helped me make up my mind to do a NZPPA certificate. I loved the various exhibitions and will be contacting some of them for demos.
Well-done Dave. I’ve found the conference valuable. We want to continue partnership during and between conferences.
Ministry of Education
Didn’t feel it was appropriate to have MP’s politicising at the conference.
Think you put this conference together really well. Well done, was useful for us, particularly my project moving forward. We would certainly like to be involved as presenters in the future.
Alsco NZ
Workshop Session was a highlight. Having Lee Parore was also great to “lighten” things up. A great way to end the day. Well done and congratulations to David and his team.
Smoothpay Ltd
Congratulations on an exceptional 1st conference. Well done. Matt.
Environment Waikato
I really enjoyed Lee Parore’s talk and it is nice to have this kind of thing dispersed with the more down to business kind of talks.
Maori Television
Thoroughly enjoyed round the table discussion. Enjoyed overall conference and networking opportunities.
Good venue, wonderful food. Good news to hear that your aim is to: Bring payroll officers into the ‘real world’ and make them professionals. You have my full support.
Holcim NZ Ltd
Well done on your 1st conference! Thoroughly enjoyable. A Good refresher.
Bayer New Zealand Ltd
Business NZ very good on strategy . Good first attempt- well done.
Programme content day could be more practical i.e.: HR & payroll staff running the workshops.
Overall, huge thank you and congratulations on a job well done.
NZPPA Conference 2008 Presentations
The following presentations are available to download.
- Presentation 2 Angus McGregor ACC
- Presentation 3 Dave Gillespie IRD
- Presentation 4 Kylie Dunn Russell McVeagh
- Presentation 5 Steve Howes CSS
- Presentation 5 Steve Howes Info Slips
- Presentation 6 Lynn Booker Employment Relations Presentation
- Presentation 7 Peta Bloomberg Global Certification Jan2006
- Presentation 9 Wayne Mapp
- Presentation 10 Carol Robertson NZPPA 19Sept Conference v1
- Presentation 11 Paul Mackay BusinessNZ