Many not-for-profit organisations do not have the resources to develop their key staff, which causes problems for them, specifically in the delivery of services to the community and in the retention of staff.
The New Zealand Payroll Practitioners’ Association (NZPPA) has recognised that Payroll Practitioners working in the not-for-profit sector would really benefit from attending the NZPPA conference being held in Auckland on 18-19 September because of the professional development and networking opportunities it will provide.
Conference gifting works by a larger or profit-driven organisation (donor) gifting a registration for an employee or volunteer from an approved not-for-profit organisation (recipient) to attend the annual NZPPA conference.
For our first conference in September we have three places for persons from not-for-profit organisations.
Management of Gift Process
- NZPPA will collate all donor and recipient applications.
- In the case of high recipient demand, NZPPA will ballot the gifted registration/s.
- NZPPA will manage the donor/recipient matching.
- There is no guarantee NZPPA will match all gifted registrations.
Sponsor Cost of Conference Registration Gift
- Cost to Donor – gifted registrations are charged at the lowest rate available, i.e. early-bird member rate. The rate for the 2008 conference is $950+ GST.
- Cost to Recipient – the registration fee does not include travel and accommodation costs and the recipients need to provide this themselves.
Applications are open from 1 June – 31 July 2008. NZPPA will complete the matching process during the first week of August.
NZPPA Conference Gifting Application
If you would like to find out more on how to gift a conference registration, please contact [email protected].