The annual PayCheck survey aims to give a real snapshot of where New Zealand payroll is at a point of time. From year to year, we can then start to make comparisons on developments in how our sector is moving and changing.
There was a need to have a New Zealand–based payroll survey as the surveys currently seen are based on overseas data and are not relevant to the local payroll environment.
The survey will be open until the end of April 2020 and we expect results in late May. All participants will receive an executive summary of findings and NZPPA members will get a full, bound report as part of this year’s annual subscription fee.
We will also provide results to media organisations. The aim is to raise awareness of the issues facing payroll and the important work payroll does, as well as developing payroll as a recognised profession in New Zealand.
We are launching the survey now to get a baseline of the payroll environment PRIOR TO the current pandemic. We will do a follow–up second survey in six months’ time to see what impact the pandemic has had on New Zealand payroll.
This is a comprehensive survey and will take over an hour to complete; however, you can save it at any point and come back to it. It is essential to fully answer all sections so that we get a complete picture of your payroll and payroll overall in New Zealand.
Can you please complete this survey based on what was your payroll structure PRIOR TO the pandemic and current lockdown.
Privacy statement: No individual or business information will be provided, accessed or shared to any third party.
We would like to thank you in advance for completing the PayCheck Survey.
Click here to get your FREE copy of the PAYCHECK 2020 Survey results
If you have any questions, please email: