Special Webinars

NZPPA offers a range of special topic live webinars. Participants will receive webinar notes an hour before the webinar, along with being able to submit questions during the webinar. If a question cannot be covered or a participant has an additional question, they will have the ability to send questions to a dedicated email address after the webinar for up to a week.

IMPORTANT: To view any NZPPA webinar please ensure you can download Zoom or register for Zoom.  NZPPA will not provide a refund for any issues in not being able to view a Zoom purchase.  To download or register for FREE click here

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    With a new government comes change and in 2024 we will start to see a range of changes that will impact the work we do in payroll. It is essential for payroll practitioners or anyone involved in payroll to keep up to date with the latest information so informed decisions for payroll can be made.

    NZPPA Payroll Legal Updates 2025 will run once every quarter (dates below) to give attendees the latest information provided by subject matter experts in employment law and tax.

    We will have guest and regular legal SMEs in both employment law and tax along with NZPPA insight on how changes will or could impact payroll.

    Member Price: NZ$255.00 + GST
    Non-member Price: NZ$355.00 + GST

    If you are an NZPPA Member, logon to get member pricing

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