For payroll Kiwisaver is a straight forward activity as long as steps are followed and rules for joining, opting out, changing employee contributions and acting on savings suspensions are applied correctly. There are also a range of other areas to Kiwisaver that payroll needs to have knowledge of so this whole area can be managed effectively.
A comprehensive set of notes with numerous examples will be provided.
Attendees will be able to ask questions throughout the webinar through the Q&A functionality of ZOOM and the webinar will be recorded so participants will be able to view the webinar after the session.
• Which employees can join KiwiSaver?
• Which employees are eligible for automatic enrolment in KiwiSaver?
• Who must be automatically enrolled in KiwiSaver?
• Definition of a temporary employee
• Three ways a new employee can be in KiwiSaver
• What information do employers and employees have to provide on starting?
• Difference between a superannuation scheme and KiwiSaver
IRD Eight Kiwisaver Steps
- Check if your employee is in KiwiSaver already
- Check employee eligibility to join KiwiSaver
- Check if your employee should auto-enrol
- Give your employee their KiwiSaver auto-enrolment pack
- Give your employee your product disclosure statement
- Send IRD your IR346K
- Check if they’re on a savings suspension
- Complete employee auto-enrolment
• Calculating ESCT for Superannuation and KiwiSaver
• Working out ESCT for an employee in different situations
• What does total remuneration mean in regard to ESCT?
• KiwiSaver and total remuneration
• Ending contributions to KiwiSaver
• Record keeping for KiwiSaver
• Penalties and disputes
Webinar date and time:
- 17th June 2022, 9am to 12.15pm
Webinar cost:
- NZPPA member: $165 + GST
- NZPPA non-member: $185 + GST
If you want to book additional attendees, we can provide 25% off any additional attendees.
Non-member Price: NZ$145.00 + GST
If you are an NZPPA Member, logon to get member pricing